OpenAI launches ChatGPT with Search, taking Google head-on

A 3D cartoon robot with a magnifying glass looking at a map.

One of the biggest bummers about the modern Internet has been the decline of Google Search. Once an essential part of using the Web, it’s now a shadow of its former self, full of SEO-fueled junk and AI-generated spam.

On Thursday, OpenAI announced a new feature of ChatGPT that could potentially replace Google Search for some people: an upgraded web search capability for its AI assistant that provides answers with source attribution during conversations. The feature, officially called “ChatGPT with Search,” makes web search automatic based on user questions, with an option to manually trigger searches through a new web search icon.

OpenAI hopes the new capability will streamline web searching by eliminating the need for multiple searches and link exploration that traditional search engines sometimes require. Users can ask follow-up questions, with ChatGPT considering the context of the entire conversation to provide answers.

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Jad Marchy
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Jad MARCHI est un ardent défenseur de la technologie, passionné par son potentiel de transformation. Ayant accumulé une décennie d’expérience dans le secteur technologique, Jean a travaillé sur une variété de projets innovants qui l’ont amené à comprendre le paysage changeant de ce domaine. Il est fasciné par l’évolution rapide de la technologie et son impact sur notre société. Que ce soit l’intelligence artificielle, la robotique, la blockchain ou la cybersécurité, il est toujours à la recherche des dernières tendances. Ses articles cherchent à informer, à inspirer et à provoquer des réflexions sur la façon dont la technologie façonne notre avenir.