There’s little doubt that some of the most important pillars of modern cryptography will tumble spectacularly once Quantum computing, now in its infancy, matures sufficiently. Some experts say that could be in the next couple decades. Others say it could take longer. No one knows.
The uncertainty leaves a giant vacuum that can be filled with alarmist pronouncements that the world is close to seeing the downfall of cryptography as we know it. The false pronouncements can take on a life of their own as they’re repeated by marketers looking to peddle post-quantum cryptography snake oil and journalists tricked into thinking the findings are real. And a new episode of exaggerated research has been playing out for the past few weeks.

All aboard the PQC hype train
The last time the PQC—short for post-quantum cryptography—hype train gained this much traction was in early 2023, when scientists presented findings that claimed, at long last, to put the quantum-enabled cracking of the widely used RSA encryption scheme within reach. The claims were repeated over and over, just as claims about research released in September have for the past three weeks.
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Jad MARCHI est un ardent défenseur de la technologie, passionné par son potentiel de transformation. Ayant accumulé une décennie d’expérience dans le secteur technologique, Jean a travaillé sur une variété de projets innovants qui l’ont amené à comprendre le paysage changeant de ce domaine. Il est fasciné par l’évolution rapide de la technologie et son impact sur notre société. Que ce soit l’intelligence artificielle, la robotique, la blockchain ou la cybersécurité, il est toujours à la recherche des dernières tendances. Ses articles cherchent à informer, à inspirer et à provoquer des réflexions sur la façon dont la technologie façonne notre avenir.